I am Not an Artist

I am Not an Artist

johnny kelly matthew cooper gif animations i am not an artist

I Am Not an Artist

Fantastic gif animations about the life of a designer, created by Johnny Kelly and Matthew Cooper for design agency Soon In Toyko. ( from Boom.com )

johnny kelly matthew cooper gif animations i am not an artist

“Matthew Cooper and I were commissioned by agency Soon In Tokyo to create 56 animated gifs for a new campaign advertising the Barcelona-based design college Elisava. Using these 56 animations, the agency created an interactive website, where visitors can add their own gifs to the website by either uploading their own files or creating a gif using their webcam.”

Soon In Tokyo have co-ordinated Elisava’s promotional campaign for 5 years. The theme this year – as in previous years – is that design, rather than being glamourous, fashionable and artistic, is in reality frustrating, time-consuming and very hard work.

Our gifs were also used to create a print advertising campaign, a screensaver, a series of posters and flipbooks. The print ads are running in lots of magazines including Creative Review, Eye Magazine and Print Magazine. The print poster below was designed by Soon In Tokyo, and all of the images are taken from individual frames of our animations:

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