What Drives Knoll @ Neocon 2016

What Drives Knoll @ Neocon 2016


Knoll is a constellation of design-driven brands and people, working together with our clients to create inspired modern interiors.

Since 1938, Knoll has been thinking about how people interact with their environments, and how their environments impact what they do. Design is inherently about the future, a plan for tackling problems yet to come.

The goal of Knoll’s innovation is always both timelessness and adaptability—rejecting short-term trends and anticipating the inevitability of change—as Knoll continues to balance what’s next and what is.




Here are the ideas essential to Knoll’s work.


1 Constellation

knoll constellation

Knoll is a constellation of people, collaborators, products and brands, united by a rigorous process, shared experience and a distinct modern sensibility.

Knoll’s strength in office systems, seating, furniture, textiles, leather, and architectural and acoustical elements allows Knoll to compose integrated solutions drawing on a range of products and services that naturally work together.


2 Harmony

knoll harmony

Knoll team together across categories and brands to address the unique needs of each client with products that interact and expand seamlessly.

Harmonious relationships are both functional and aesthetic; Knoll’s broad range of offerings allows it to create tailored, cohesive spaces and scale to meet any challenge.


3 Modernity

knoll modernity

Modernism in design was born as a means toward social good. It rejected frivolous ornamentation, privileged functionality, and envisioned a world in which technology could transform society for the better.

Hans and Florence Knoll and their many collaborators inaugurated a new era of integrated design based on principles that remain vital today.

We are what we know, and what we do, as much as what we make.”


4 Design

knoll design

Design transcends style, it creates coherence in a chaotic world.

Steeped in the history of modernism, Knoll’s vision is carried forward today by the most talented contemporary designers to bring order and beauty to life and work.

Well-designed objects deliver efficiency, joy and satisfaction to the people who use them.


5 Work/Life

knoll worklife

The nature of work has fundamentally shifted. As the boundary between living and working blurs, so does the essential nature of the work space.

Knoll’s business to monitor the cultural dynamics that impact environments and imagine flexible products that both address current conditions, promote well-being, and anticipate inevitable change.


6 Sustainability

knoll sustainability

Knoll’s clean manufacturing practices minimize impact by conserving natural resources and reducing waste. This also help Knoll’s clients achieve LEED certification.

But our most essential environmentalism is simply anti-obsolescence. Our products are designed to endure, both physically and stylistically.

Things that work are things you keep.


7 Future

knoll future

Design is inherently about the future, a plan for tackling problems yet to come.

The goal of our innovation is always both timelessness and adaptability—rejecting short-term trends and anticipating the inevitability of change—as we continue to balance what’s next and what is.


Knoll is Modern Always because modern always works



4 x Themes for the Modern Workplace

knoll workplace themes

1 Flexibility


While different planning approaches suit different organizations, one universal need is flexibility.

A variety of nimble settings and adaptable pieces support the different ways people work and move.

2 Individuals and Teams


The best planning optimizes the needs of individuals and teams alike.

Discrete spaces for focused work intermix with areas that facilitate conversation, collaboration, and social activity.

3  Hospitality


A more connected workplace puts people at the center of their life-work experience.

Welcoming spaces, like a good hotel or coffee shop, hinge on ambiance and social experience—important components of work.

4 Well-Being


Attention to the individual experience makes for better work, and healthier lifestyles.

People want to be in places that make them feel good: near natural light, with access to fresh-air, and surrounded by products with adaptable ergonomic support.

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